Monday, 9 December 2019

What is an Appendix?

What is an Appendix?

The appendix locates at the intersection of the small intestine and large intestine. It is a thin tube organ nearby four inches in length. The appendix locates in the lower right abdomen area. Some experts say that the appendix works as a storehouse for good bacteria which reboots the digestive system after diarrheal illness. Many scientific studies have proved that surgical removal of the appendix does not cause any health problems or issues.
The appendix gives a bacteria-killing protein called immunoglobulins which help to combat infection in the body. Its function, however, is not essential. People who have had appendectomies do not have an increased risk of infection. Other glands in the body take over this role once the appendix has been removed.

Appendicitis ( infection of the appendix) occurs when the appendix becomes blocked, often by stool or as a result of an infection in the body, since the appendix swells in response to an infection in the body. In an elderly person, it may be blocked by a tumor, thus requiring proper evaluation before going for surgery.
Appendix Tumors: Carcinoid tumors in the Appendix which secrete chemicals that cause diarrhea and gasping. Another type of tumor is an Epithelial tumor is a growth that happens in the appendix it can be benign or cancerous. If an appendix tumor is located through appendectomy and after the verification with lab examinations some further surgery could be done to extract more tissue according to the condition. If required, patients may undergo chemotherapy with the addition of rad
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Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Surgical Gastroenterology OPD at Palanpur - Dr. Harshad Soni (MS, FIAGES)

Surgical Gastroenterology OPD at Palanpur

13th November 2019 (10AM to 12PM)

Dr. Harshad Soni


Kaizen Hospital

Institute of Gastroenterology & Research Centre

For more information: | | +91-99047 44410

#kaizenhospital #drharshadsoni #Lifematters #PatientCentredCare #HealthTalk

Surgical Gastroenterology OPD at Deesa - Dr. Harshad Soni (MS, FIAGES)

Surgical Gastroenterology OPD at Deesa

13th November 2019 (03 PM to 05 PM)

Dr. Harshad Soni


Kaizen Hospital

Institute of Gastroenterology & Research Centre

For more information: | | +91-99047 44410

#kaizenhospital #drharshadsoni #Lifematters #PatientCentredCare #HealthTalk

Friday, 8 November 2019

Mrs. Neha Patel is working at Kaizen Hospital as 'Pharmacist'.

Mrs. Kokila Raval is working at Kaizen Hospital at the 'Security Departm...

What is surgical gastroenterology?

What is surgical gastroenterology?

The departmental of Surgical Gastroenterology at Kaizen Hospital has a group of full-time G I Surgeons who work as a single team. The team constantly endeavours to perform safe surgical practises employing cutting edge technology. All surgeons keep themselves abreast with advances in their fields. Kaizen G I Surgeons are devoted to the practise of evidence-based medicine.
The Kaizen G I Surgical team is specialized in the field of Minimally Invasive Surgery [MIS] for faster patient recovery and reduced possibility of complications. MIS greatly improves patient outcomes as many peri-operative and post-operative complications are obviated.

The department also has Speciality clinics to enhance patient care and provide focused services.
Various specialised surgeries, done via both Laparoscopy and open surgery include:
  • Gallstone removal surgery
  • Hernia surgeries for hernias like Hiatus, Femoral, Inguinal, Ventral
  • Appendectomy
  • GI cancer surgeries
  • Colorectal cancers surgeries
  • Oesophageal surgeries
  • Pancreatic cancer surgeries
  • Liver surgeries
  • Pancreatitis surgeries
  • Surgeries for Ulcerative Colitis
  • Surgeries for Achalasia Cardia
  • Procedures and Surgeries for GI bleeding
  • Procedures and Surgeries Portal hypertension
GI emergencies like
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • GI perforations
We take pride in offering compassionate care with a human touch.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Appendix treatment and surgery with the most skilled doctors in Ahmedabad

What is an Appendix?

The appendix locates at the intersection of the small intestine and large intestine. It is a thin tube organ nearby four inches in length. The appendix locates in the lower right abdomen area. Some experts say that the appendix works as a storehouse for good bacteria which reboots the digestive system after diarrheal illness. Many scientific studies have proved that surgical removal of the appendix does not cause any health problems or issues.

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Tuesday, 5 November 2019

What is an esophagus ?

What is an esophagus ?

Esophagus is a hollow tube-like muscular structure connecting mouth to the stomach and mainly resides in the neck and chest part of the body. It passes food from the mouth to the stomach. Diseases of esophagus causes difficulty in deglutition, difficult swallowing as well retrosternal pain or heaviness. Common Diseases of Esophagus are : -> Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) -> Achalasia Cardia -> Cancer Esophagus -> Diverticulum of Esophagus -> FB in Esophagus -> Corrosive Injury of Esophagus Kaizen Hospital NABH Accreditation First Gastroenterology Super Speciality Hospital of Western India For more information: | | +91-99047-44410 hashtaglaparoscopic hashtagbariatric hashtagbariatricsurgery hashtaghospitals hashtagdoctors hashtaghealth hashtaglaparoscopicsurgery hashtaghernia

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Obesity: The Disease which can be overwhelmed

Obesity means having excess body fat. In general, overweight and obesity indicate a weight more numerous than what is healthy.  Adults who are 35 years of age and older with a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30 are overweight.
Obesity is most generally affected by a combination of excessive food intake and lack of physical activity. The belief that obese people eat little yet gain weight due to hindered metabolism is not medically supported.
Obesity is frequently preventable through a blend of social changes and personal choices. Modifications to diet and exercising are the main treatments. Diet condition can be developed by reducing the consumption of energy-dense meals, such as those high in fat or sugars, and by improving the intake of fiber. Medications can be used, along with a suitable diet, to reduce appetite or decrease fat consumption.
Types of Obesity
There are multiple classifications of Obesity.
I. Depending on the area of fat deposition, there are three kinds of obesity
Peripheral: Growth of excess fat in the hips, buttocks, and thighs
Central: Growth of excess fat in the abdominal region.
Combination of both peripheral and central obesity.
The abdominal area is deemed to be the most dangerous area for the accumulation of fat because it is closely located to the vital organs and their blood supply.